With the increased demand for services, the lasting effects of the pandemic, and the pressure to facilitate hospital discharges efficiently, local authority bodies navigate a complex landscape. Considering recent government funding, exploring avenues that address immediate needs and contribute to adult social care’s long-term efficiency and sustainability is imperative.
Pressures on Local Authorities
Local authorities face unprecedented pressures, with increased demand for adult social care services during winter. The recent announcement of an extra £500 million in government funding for the 2024-25 financial year acknowledges these challenges but highlights the need for strategic planning to utilise these funds effectively.
Utilising the Social Care Grant
The Social Care Grant, set to be just over £5 billion in 2024-25, offers local authorities a crucial resource to address adults’ and children’s social care needs. It is essential to recognise the flexibility of this grant, which can be utilised to alleviate pressures on care providers, enhance care capacity, and invest in workforce development.
Addressing Discharge Pressures
A significant challenge local authority bodies face during winter is the efficient discharge of patients from hospitals into social care. This process frees up valuable hospital beds, significantly reduces infection risks, and improves patients’ overall quality of life. The government’s allocation of £600 million to expedite safe discharges emphasises the urgency of this issue.
Potential Project Areas for AACA Solutions
The current financial climate requires innovative solutions to address the backlog of work and increase efficiency in adult social care. With our expertise in providing independent social workers, AACA offers tailored solutions to support local authorities in navigating these challenges.
Discharge from Hospital
AACA can collaborate with local authorities to create short-term project teams, ensuring the efficient discharge of patients during the winter months. This includes completing a specific number of assessments within a set timeframe to meet targets and reduce bed pressures.
Backlog Work of Assessments and DoLS Assessments
AACA’s independent social workers assist in clearing the backlog of assessments, including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) assessments for which there is an increase in demand. This targeted approach ensures that essential assessments are completed promptly and within statutory timeframes, improving overall service efficiency.
Supported Living Reviews
AACA’s expertise extends to conducting supported living reviews, especially for long-standing care packages. By identifying areas for efficiency savings, AACA can collaborate with Local Authorities to optimise care plans and resource allocation.
To illustrate our methodology, we recently collaborated with a local authority in the Northwest to deliver Care Act Assessments and Care and Support Plans in adult-supported living services:

Collaboration for Success
Effective collaboration between local authorities, AACA, and other professional bodies is paramount in addressing the complexities of winter pressures. The government’s guidance on implementing a home-first approach aligns with the goals of AACA’s solutions, emphasising the importance of coordinated efforts to support people and their families during the challenging winter months.
Moving Forward Together
As local authorities navigate the winter pressures in adult social care, strategically utilising the available funds and collaborating with expert partners like AACA can pave the way for sustainable solutions. By addressing immediate challenges, such as hospital discharge pressures and backlog work, while focusing on long-term efficiency, local authorities can enhance the overall quality of care and support for people in their communities.