CQC annual assessments of Local Authorities were scrapped in 2010 enabling CQC to improve focus upon Safeguarding. Since then Local Authorities have been carrying out sector led improvements which have included peer reviews between themselves.
The introduction of the Health & Care Act 2022 provided a duty to CQC to carry out assessments of Local Authorities including Integrated Care Boards and Registered Service Providers and how they work together to meet outcomes and needs and reduce inequalities of the people in their area.
Single Assessment Framework
To achieve their duty CQC have developed a Single Assessment Framework under which, Health, Social Care and Providers will be assessed albeit with adapted Quality Statements. This process is anticipated to enable a streamlined effect. The Single Assessment Model includes an overarching set of expectations, making it easier to establish a clearer understanding of what defines ‘quality’ care and ‘good’ service.
Themes and Quality Statements
Within the Single Assessment Framework CQC have developed specific approaches to assessing Local Authority compliance with the Care Act 14 developing specific themes and statements that apply to Local Authority duties under the Act which include:
Theme One – Working with people
Quality Statement 1 – Assessments – which includes carrying out assessments and reviews in a person centred, strengths based consistent and inclusive way.
Quality Statement 2 – Supporting people to live healthier lives including reducing future needs for care and support.
Quality Statement 3 – Equity in Experiences and Outcomes, seeking out those who are vulnerable to inequality and tailoring care and support accordingly.
Theme Two – Providing Support
Quality Statement 4 – Care provision, integration and continuity – the diverse health and care needs of people in local communities is joined up and flexible.
Quality Statement 5 – Partnerships and communities – We understand our duty to collaborate and work in partnership so services work seamlessly for people
Theme Three – How the Local Authority ensures safety in the system
Quality Statement 6 – Safe systems, pathways and transitions – working people and partners to maintain safe systems of care which are monitored and assured.
Quality Statement 7 – Safeguarding – Working with people to understand what safe means to them and concentrating on improving peoples lives whilst protecting their rights to live free from abuse.
Theme Four – Leadership
Quality Statement 8 -Governance, management and sustainability –Clear responsibilities, roles and systems of accountability and good governance
Quality Statement 9 Learning, improvement and innovation – focus upon continuous learning and innovation
CQC approach from April 1st
CQC have decided to begin using their assessment model to look at how well Local Authorities meet their duties under the Care Act in using Quality Statements 1 and 4 and aim to amalgamate their findings across all Local Authorities to develop data that can be analysed and published at a national level.
CQC will use the data to benchmark and provide a context to their findings for publication in the State of Care Annual Review with a view to using the data to push forwards improvements and potential support for Local Authorities.
What does this mean for Local Authorities
Advanced ACA know that Local Authorities have struggled over recent times to manage the number of Assessments and Reviews required in their area under the Care Act 2014. CQC is aware that many Local Authorities are struggling to manage backlogs and existing work due to factors such as essential staff shortages and the impact of COVID 19.
CQC have decided to focus their initial Local Authority Assessments and benchmarking upon two key Quality Statements which relate to ensuring that those in in their area receive assessments and reviews in a timely fashion, when they need them and to prevent or delay their needs increasing in the future.
Advanced Adult Care Services – Our Solutions to your challenges
With over 25 years’ experience and as part of the Advanced Social Care Services Group, Advanced ACA is a leading provider of social care assessments. We pride ourselves on offering an alternative solution to a social work agency with a nationwide Panel of experienced Social Workers who have moved into Independent Practice to enable them to fit their role around their personal lives.